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Understanding the Storage Panel

The Storage Panel provides details about individual files, such as their local Sync Policy, Associated Files, and Original File Locations.

Updated over 9 months ago

To access the Storage Panel, select a single image, then click the info icon at the top of the right sidebar to reveal the right panel, then select the Storage tab.

The Sync Policy (Local) section indicates the image quality of the selected file on your current device.

The Sync Policy (Attached) section indicates the image quality of the selected file on physically attached devices, such as external drives.

The Associated Files section will display a list of associated files and indicate if they are currently stored on the current device. For each photo, video, or document in Mylio Photos, there may be several associated files that contain information about that piece of media. For example, a typical photograph in Mylio Photos will have the original file (JPEG, HEIC, Raw, etc.), an XMP metadata file, an Optimized-quality version of the photo, and a Thumbnail of the image.

The Original File Locations section shows where your original-quality files are stored. Each device that contains an original-quality version of the selected media will be listed, making it simple to answer the question, “Where are my photos?”.

The Source section displays the device used to import or add the selected file to Mylio Photos and the date it was imported.

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