Occasionally, when running Photo DeDupe in Mylio Photos, you may encounter an error in the Notifications panel indicating that a file could not be deleted. This happens when Mylio Photos is unable to confirm that the file is an exact duplicate. To prevent accidental data loss, Mylio Photos requires manual review and deletion of these files.
To resolve the issue:
Review the Failed Files:
Click the notification in the panel to view the file(s) that failed verification.
Select the image(s) with the “Failed Verification” status. Review the image to confirm whether it is a duplicate.
Manually Delete the File (if desired): If you confirm the file is a duplicate and wish to delete it, you can manually remove it using one of the following methods:
Using the Keyboard: Select the file, press the Delete key, and confirm the action when prompted.
Using the Trashcan Icon: With the file selected, click the trashcan icon in the right sidebar, then confirm the deletion.
Using the Actions Menu: Select the file, click the vertical three-dot icon in the right sidebar, or right-click the image. Navigate to Photo > Delete File, then confirm the action.
WARNING: Deleting files in Mylio Photos is permanent and cannot be undone. Be sure to review the file carefully before proceeding with deletion.