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41 articles
Troubleshooting: Windows Installation Fails
Troubleshooting: Unable to Sync Photos Between Devices
Troubleshooting: Unprotected Images
Troubleshooting: “Moving folders/files on disk” or “Sending to…” is Constantly Displayed in Activity Panel
Troubleshooting: External drive does not appear in Mylio Photos app
Troubleshooting: Temporary Sync Conflicts Folder
Troubleshooting: SyncCollection Includes Photos Outside of Criteria
Troubleshooting: Mylio Photos Utilizes More Storage Than Expected on Android SD Card
Mylio for iOS Taking Up a Large Amount of iCloud Space
Error Notification: Storage Quota Exceeded
Error: Storage available to Mylio is almost full (mobile)
Error: Mylio Drive+ Setup Required
Notification: Cache using significant storage
Troubleshooting: Disk Storage Full, Unable to Clear Cache
Error when logging in using SSO (Google, Apple, Microsoft or Facebook ID)
Performing a Catalog Repair
Error Notification: "The Mylio Photos Catalog on this device needs to be repaired."
Error Message: “Failed to get access to path.”
Error Message: “Editing is not possible without an Optimized Image or Original”
Error Message: “Editing is not possible without a Preview or Original”
Error Message - Upgrade No Longer Supported
Troubleshooting: Advanced Catalog Repair
Error Notification: Disk Storage Full
Error Message: All originals for a duplicate set must be present to automatically deduplicate media